GSO Test

Personal, Social & Health Education

PSHE education helps children and young people to achieve their potential by supporting their well-being and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn.

Beehive Lane PSHE Curriculum

pshe long term plan.pdf


At Beehive Lane Community Primary School, our PSHE curriculum is designed to be accessible for all and to enable our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. British Values, SMSC and the school values of Commitment, Aspiration, Respect and Enjoyment are the underpinning principles. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, whilst tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities, while also teaching them to appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.

The ability to learn is underpinned in PSHE and RSE by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and vocabulary. There are clearly identified end points in each phase of learning, which build upon what has been taught before, giving pupils the required knowledge and skills for their next stage of learning. PSHE is not only taught in the curriculum, it builds the foundations of our school life and is drawn upon throughout the day. We provide pupils with rich learning experiences, educational visits and extra-curricular activities in order to build a balanced, awe-inspiring and kinaesthetic curriculum.

Our curriculum includes all PSHE objectives and reaches beyond the National Curriculum requirements, such as managing finance. The topics taught are linked together in a spiral formation so the children have a chance to embed and readdress learning concepts. Our vision is to provide an education that prepares each pupil with the tools and strategies needed to cope with the challenges currently posed in modern day Britain e.g. social media, health and relationships and finance. Embedded in our PSHE curriculum is Relationships and Sex Education; as a school we feel it is paramount in preparing children for adolescence. The programme of study covers personal growth and development, relationships, marriage, privacy, dealing with conflict, challenging stereotypes and human reproduction.

Questions, debates, mind maps or role plays may be used as a starting point to check the children’s prior knowledge. Teachers are then able to ensure all aspects of the curriculum are covered thoroughly, spending greater time on areas for improvement highlighted in the pre-learning task. The objectives in each year group are ambitious and provide opportunities to develop confidence, resilience, respect and thinking skills through problem solving, debate and discussion. Alongside the curriculum, we also have specialist visitors and support tailored to pupils’ needs. Daily assemblies also cover our school values, British values and current affairs.


PSHE and RSE are taught across all year groups. In EYFS, it is referred to as Personal, Social and Emotional Development and is an integral part of learning. High expectations through the development of excellent attitudes to learning, of all pupils and staff, is key to highly effective learning at Beehive Lane. This is constantly developed through assemblies, the curriculum and lessons.

The following approach of implementing learning, through PSHE, at Beehive Lane is to enable long term memory and deeper understanding:

  • A challenging and progressive scheme of work that offers scope to recap learnt topics before extending new knowledge (PSHE Association for PSHE and RSE)
  • A wide range of rich learning opportunities to support all styles of learners
  • Regular referral to key aspects of friendship, social skills and relationships throughout the day
  • A behaviour system that was previously devised by pupils
  • Healthy and balanced lunch choices to promote a healthier lifestyle
  • Regular clubs, including support for Pupil Premium children, offering a wide range of physical activities

An optimum level of assessment (including oral feedback, next step marking) is carefully used to inform the steps to be taken in acquiring new knowledge and skills. The key to success in teaching and learning in Beehive Lane is the ‘in the moment’ assessment for learning; as lessons are being taught teachers are to continuously observe and support pupils through questions, addressing misconceptions and challenging/extending those who need it. As a school we follow a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with, and extending beyond, the National Curriculum. At the end of each unit of work, teachers complete an overview assessment – this allows us to look at areas of strength and target any areas of improvement.

Examples of some extra learning opportunities for pupils:

  • EYFS road safety talk to pupils and parents
  • Year 5 Road safety workshop and speed watch
  • Year 6 bike ability
  • Cooking to promote healthy life choices
  • 2 Johns’ whole-school community workshops (parents, pupils and staff) to help further understanding of online safety
  • Playleaders modelling positive relationships for the younger children
  • Mrs Sato – pastoral support
  • Parents coming in to review RSE content before the children are taught the sessions
  • Parents having an opportunity to devise the new RSE policy
  • NSPCC talks
  • Transition to secondary school

Throughout their school life the children are prepared for the next stages of education. In Reception, we contact all nurseries prior to children starting and attend visits at both nurseries and homes. The children also attend our school with their parents. A similar approach is given as the children move onto secondary school, children visit the secondary schools and we liaise with them to ensure a smoother transition.


Our PSHE curriculum is of high quality and well thought-out, the spiralled curriculum allows children to embed and recap learning. The welfare of all children in our school is paramount; the quality of care and education the children receive provides them with the skills needed to cope and excel in the modern day society.

The impact of PSHE is not only measured in progress but also enjoyment, from observing lessons it is clear to see pupils are highly motivated and inquisitive – asking questions and sensitively discussing topics in a mature manner.

Useful links

BBC Teach - KS1 PSHE

BBC Teach - KS2 PSHE